ubuntu-release-upgrader manual testing

Harald Sitter apachelogger at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 28 10:43:15 UTC 2014

since I think this may be of general interest, here's how one tests
the ubuntu-release-upgrader manually

1. get the tar
1.1. simply build the bzr branch, it will spit out a tarball like
'../dist-upgrader_0.210_all.tar.gz' which contains the generic
announcements and the actual upgrader
1.2. extract the actual upgrader (a tar.gz inside the tar.gz)
2. copy the upgrader (trusty.tar.gz) to target system
3. extract upgrader
4. update the meta-release config
4.1. sudo nano /etc/update-manager/meta-release
4.2. append -development to the URI_LTS line
5. run upgrader manually
5.1. kdesudo -- ./trusty --mode=desktop --frontend=kde

Please note that the most reliable results can be obtained by simply
applying a delta ontop fo the official tarball [1]. Simply download it
apply your changes and continue from step 4.

Alternatively you could simply fire up an actual upgrade and cancel
it. There'll be an upgrader directory in /tmp IIRC.

[1] http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/


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