show desktop vs. show dashboard vs. milou

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Wed Jan 22 16:09:23 UTC 2014

On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Rohan Garg <rohan16garg at> wrote:
>> Is it already decided that Kubuntu 14.10 will be based on KDE 4?
> No, it entirely depends on how production ready Plasma 2 is by ~August this
> year ( at least that's my opinion).

To be honest, we wouldn't want to repeat the KDE 4.1 migration. That
was considerably underplaned, undertested, undereverythinged. So IMO
if the workspace doesn't have a stable (as in actually stable, not
just labeled stable) release sometime in June there really is no way
we'd get away from KDE 4 for 14.10.

A PPA to opt into possible pre-releases etc. certainly is the plan,
but beyond that I would be very supicious of the speed at which things
are being moved :P

15.04 is right now a very likely candidate for adoption (again,
assuming the quality is right and we have a proper migration plan for

Something that also should not be forgotten, is that for at least 2
releases we will likely end up shipping
qt5+qt4+kdeframeworks5+kdelibs4, and considering how hard it is to
keep us below 1GiB ISOs right now this certainly is something that
should be taken care of well before we start a migration.

I put down a trello card for 14.10 to work out at least an initial
migration plan.


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