show desktop vs. show dashboard vs. milou

Rohan Garg rohangarg at
Tue Jan 21 11:04:24 UTC 2014

> Perhaps it would be better to look into this for 14.10 btw.
> Milou/Baloo will be more mature by that time and we can try more
> daring things. As Milou's features overlap with KRunner, it may be
> worth a thought to actually do a replacement attempt... deactivate
> KRunner by default and pack Milou in the panel (given appropriate GUIs
> to switch between the two in case a user prefers KRunner).
> I think particularly in the release after an LTS those kinds of things
> are more tolerated by the users.

Agreed, IMHO we should keep our current setup and push milou in the 14.10 
Alpha's and Beta's to gauge feedback while keeping KDE SC defaults for 14.04

Rohan Garg
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