[kubuntu-devel] Muon Discover

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 07:10:44 UTC 2014

Hey George, I didn't want to see your question ignored. I used to
install synaptic too, because it used to be the only thing that
worked. It's been years since I've done that , though. Muon package
manager and apt-get have done the job for quite awhile.

It's always good to promote KDE software in Kubuntu, don't you think?


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 12:37 AM, George Dvorak <gldvorak at gmail.com> wrote:
> Why is synaptic ignored? The first thing that I do after installing Kubuntu
> us to install Synaptic, then all software updates are done by me with
> Synaptic! Yes, I am a rather naive user but I cannot remember all of the
> details of these other methods.

::snip old::

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