Fwd [ubuntu-release] Re: LTS status for Ubuntu flavours]

Harald Sitter apachelogger at ubuntu.com
Sat Feb 22 21:57:22 UTC 2014

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 12:08 PM, Rohan Garg <rohangarg at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> I think you are misreading that.  It specifically talks about users
>> potentially
>> needing to upgrade only every 4 years.
> Unless my eyes are deceiving me, the last line specifically talks about
> upgrading twice every 4 years, which equates to a support lifetime of 2
> years?

That has nothing to do with support (aka anyone can upload updates and
security fixes are backported whenever applicable, and occasionally
new ISOs are rolled), but specifically is about supported upgrade

LTS -> LTS -> LTS supported
LTS ->          -> LTS not supported (i.e. skipping one LTS when upgrading).

so you can run 13.04 until 2018, but you cannot update to 17.04
without going through 15.04. Which is the standing practise.


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