muon discover featured apps for 14.04

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Wed Feb 5 09:56:53 UTC 2014

Hi all,

On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Harald Sitter <apachelogger at> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 10:36 PM, James Cain <james.cain.25 at> wrote:
>> I agree here. We should reserve at least one spot of the three
> Please note that there is no limit, we just happen to have 3
> applications features right now. If we want to, we could turn every
> application into a featured application ;)
>> for a
>> lesser-known app we might want to highlight to both new users and veterans
>> alike. As awesome as VLC is, as mentioned earlier it is not a KDE/Qt app,
> VLC is very much a Qt app, thank you :S

Well, how about adding a media player that is both a Qt and a KDE app: Amarok

Regards, Myriam
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