muon discover featured apps for 14.04
Mark Fraser
mfraz74+ubuntu at
Tue Feb 4 14:07:08 UTC 2014
On Tuesday 04 Feb 2014 12:18:18 Harald Sitter wrote:
> Alohas,
> currently we have three applications featured in the muon-discover's
> default view:
> - plasma media center
> - digikam
> - krita <- that's actually installed by default, so quite possibly
> featuring it is a bit silly
> any suggestions for what should be featured?
> should the existing ones be featured (i.e. are they good enough
> quality and useful enough)?
> anyone fancy creating featured pictures (the present ones are a bit
> lacking in hotness IMHO)?
> to me some top contenders are:
> - vlc
> - hedgewars
> - digikam
> - marble
> - kstars
> - (possibly playonlinux)
> (of the above I only use vlc, but I believe the other stuff is
> generally useful/interesting to people ^^)
> HS
As others have said, I would rather see KDE apps in muon-discover, so how
Choqok - is it installed by default?
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