Another plasma 5 bug I don't know where to report

Rick Timmis rick.timmis at
Fri Dec 5 22:20:49 UTC 2014

On Thu, 4 Dec 2014 23:13:33 -0500 (EST), Mitch Golden
<mgolden at> wrote:
> My son and I have accounts on my laptop on which I am testing plasma 5. 
> Both of us are able to log in an use the machine.  However, if he uses
> - and doesn't even have to do anything - when he logs out the process 
> kwin_x11 does not end.  In fact, after I log in, it continues to run and

> pegs one of the cores.  It does not die unless killed -9.
> Where should I report this bug?  I don't know what packages are
>    - Mitch

Hi Mitch

Keep up the good work ;-)

If you have a launch pad account, then you can post your bugs into

Try to give as much detail as you can, particularly the steps to take to
repeat the problem, that will really help me, and others get a fix on it

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