< 1 week to go
Mark Fraser
mfraz74+ubuntu at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 07:38:23 UTC 2014
On Friday 11 Apr 2014 20:37:20 Nikola Šnele wrote:
> After latest updates I found two bugs:
> 1) Grub shows "Ubuntu" and not "Kubuntu" anymore.
> 2) Weird/different icon for software updates in system tray. It doesn't go
> away even if there are no updates available:
> http://www.dodaj.rs/?1z/OV/1LUVGqA1/snapshot28.png
> You can close it on right mouse click>close but that action disables "Show
> notifications for available updates" in Muon update manager.
> http://www.dodaj.rs/?2I/gC/34FQcvjx/snapshot29.png
Yes, I see that second bug. Plus I keep getting messages saying that there are
updates available, even if there aren't any, until I close the notification.
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