Kubuntu Romania

Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan ovidiu.b13 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 07:36:07 UTC 2013

> If you are able to host it I can request ro.kubuntu.org from the Canonical Sysadmins.  What IP address should it point to?
The person who promissed hosting has gone off the radar. I can't get a hold of him.
I'll try to talk to my local universities to see if I can get some free hosting.

Untill then can ro.kubuntu.org be forwarded to my server? The problem is that I have a DinamicIP and I use a script in a cronjob to update the DNS server.
If it could forwarded to geekaliens.com then the IP will resolve after that. I'll set up another virtual host for it.

Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan

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