Kubuntu Romania

Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan ovidiu.b13 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 09:56:30 UTC 2013

Hello world,

I don't know if you remember me but I've talked some time ago about starting a Romanian Kubuntu comunity.

There is a Romanian Kubuntu comunity allready on Google+ and I've also set up a Kubuntu website in romanian. It is located currently on my server at geekaliens.com/kubuntu.ro/[1] and it still needs some work and some artwork.

I've had some trouble trying to use the same drupal theme as on the kubuntu.org[2] website so I just chose and modified another one. I hope that's ok.

When I first started this conversation on IRC I've been told that if I'll make the site and I'll have something worth the wile the Kubuntu Council might pay for the domain kubuntu.ro[3] and the hosting.

I want to ask if this is possible and also if it wouldn't be better just to use a subdomain of the kubuntu.org[2] website for the romanian (and possibly other languages) localized websites, like KDE does ( ro.kde.org[4] - I'm trying to get this one updated as well), something like ro.kubuntu.org[5]. This would ease the management and the costs.

I allready have my brother and my fiance willing to help me with the romanian Kubuntu website and also some people from the Google+ Kubuntu community and some friends.

Also I've brought many people (romanians) over to kubuntu and they don't know english that well and a localized website would help them a lot.

Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan

[1] http://geekaliens.com/kubuntu.ro/
[2] http://kubuntu.org
[3] http://kubuntu.ro
[4] http://ro.kde.org
[5] http://ro.kubuntu.org
[6] http://geekaliens.com
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