muon update testing needed

James Cain james.cain.25 at
Mon Nov 18 20:54:53 UTC 2013

On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 2:33 PM, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at>wrote:

> That's a regression from raring, but not from what's already in saucy, so
> from
> an updates perspective we won't block the update for that, but I agree it
> should be fixed.
> It's got enough testing and should enter -updates tomorrow unless
> regressions
> pop up between now and then.
> Scott K
I have been using for a few days now and no regressions that I could find.
Seems to work *much* better now and perhaps the only nagging issue I could
find is that occasionally I need to exit/re-enter Muon to get filtering
working properly. Tested as best as possible against bugs listed in OP. I
did have a few crashes in Muon Discover (2.1.1) but I am assuming we were
to test the package manager and update manager primarily. If I'm wrong,
advise and I will install debug symbols and carry on.

James C
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