default screensaver/locker settings

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Tue Nov 12 12:10:02 UTC 2013

Jonathan Riddell <jr at> wrote:
>The screensaver was changed a couple of KDE SC releases ago to default
>to a locker instead of a screensaver.  Upstream has it off entirely by
>default but if you enable it then it defaults to the lock UI but
>without actually needing a password which makes it look like it is
>broken to me. In kubuntu-settings-desktop we currently enable it by
>default but don't require a password.
>Which should we change it to? disable it entirely (upstream default)
>or enable it and require a password after 300 seconds of showing (more
>secure but might get in the way of watching flash or vlc where it
>doesn't add fake keystrokes when playing)?

It should need a password after some time your pick for a default time seems fine to me. 

Scott K

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