Kubuntu Localized Website

Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan ovidiu.b13 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 11:59:58 UTC 2013

If I may add,
I've been struggling to tell people about Kubuntu, I've allready migrated a 
few of my friends and family to kubuntu, but a lack of a kubuntu website with 
usage tutorials really limits the number of people I can "convert". I've 
selected the romanian language pack for kubuntu, and that really helps, but 
still, more could be done.

To buy a kubuntu.ro domain has a unique payment of 40€ (pay only once and the 
domain is yours for ever as you can see here: http://www.inregistrare-domenii.ro/).

I volunteer to translate the kubuntu website and any tutorials that anyone 
will make.
Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan
Software Developer

On Friday 22 March 2013 09:15:16 Volkan Gezer wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Approximately one month ago I also posted this, but I would like to
> mention about this again:
> Currently Kubuntu website is only English and there are some localized
> versions which are (AFAIK) independent. It will be very good to have
> at least for languages which have no domain for Kubuntu could be
> hosted in the same server with Kubuntu. Eg:
> kubuntu.org/tr - Turkish
> kubuntu.org/uk - Ukraine
> There are not so many text to translate, so it will be quick to have
> them completed. Maybe some images will be need to modified but still
> not so much work.
> The second option will be giving a hostname for these languages by
> Kubuntu like www.kubuntu.uk or www.kubuntu-tr.org.
> Some UbuntuLoco teams link to enable downloads Kubuntu, but in this
> case the user will not know the difference since there is not enough
> explanation.
> Is any of those possible?
> Best regards,
> Volkan GEZER
> volkangezer at gmail.com
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