Developers Mumble Meeting

David Wonderly david.wonderly at
Tue Mar 12 02:01:48 UTC 2013

Based on the Doodle Poll, The meeting will be held Friday, 2013/03/15 at 2pm 

Please, be thinking about what you would like to bring to the table at the 
meeting and fill out the agenda list at


David Wonderly

On Monday, March 11, 2013 10:24:12 AM David Wonderly wrote:
> Thanks to yofel we have a mumble server set up for the developers of Kubuntu
> to use.
> Please use this poll to fill out when you are able to attend.
> Also, I think we will try and keep this meeting like, there is a meeting
> agenda set up on the wiki.
> Thank you and I'll reply once I feel we have a good number of people
> replying to the poll.
> The Mumble Server information
> Server:
> Port: 64738
> Cheers!
> David Wonderly
> for the Kubuntu Council

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