Kubuntu Todos on Trello

Harald Sitter apachelogger at ubuntu.com
Wed Mar 6 00:16:02 UTC 2013

Over the past week we have started using Trello.com [1] to manage todos / work 
items as it provides a more agile approach than the launchpad based work item 

All Kubuntu members can of course become members, please get in touch with me 
or someone with a blue rectangle on our trello page to add you.

After the 13.04 release we'll evaluate whether to continue using it. So I am 
inviting everyone to use it as much as possible.

With regards to existing work items [2] please simply cherry pick the ones you 
want to pursue this cycle and move them to trello (mark done in the 

I'll try to write a short wiki page with usage intro and pitfalls (of which 
there are some) in the next couple of days. So stay tuned.

[1] https://trello.com/kubuntu
[2] http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-raring/group/topic-raring-flavor-kubuntu.html


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