Change in AptUrl-Kde to not depend on software-properties-kde

Rafael Belmonte eaglescreen at
Thu Jan 24 19:22:23 UTC 2013

Hello, I am getting involved in LinuxMint KDE flavor (which has a Kubuntu
base), LinuxMint is developing its own tool to handle software sources
(repositories) and we do not want to have software-properties-kde installed
when ready. Unfortunately, we would like to keep using apturl-kde which
currently depends on software-properties-kde.
I think software-properties-kde is only used to do enable sections
(universe, multiverse) from this python call in file 'AptUrl/kde/':

def doEnableSection(self, sections):
        cmd = ["kdesudo",
               "--enable-component", "%s" % ' '.join(sections)]
            output = subprocess.check_output(
        except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e:
            print("Execution failed: %s" % e, file=sys.stderr)
            return True
        # FIXME: Very ugly, but kdesudo doesn't return the correct exit
        if not output.startswith("Enabled the "):
            return False
        return True

Since sections can be enabled by using add-apt-repository, I suggest to use
it instead of software-properties-kde, this way, apturl-kde will depend on
software-properties-common instead of software-properties-kde, which has
more logic for me.
I think that Harald or experienced Kubuntu developers could do this change
easily. If not, I would try to do it by myself. The important matter is if
you agree with doing this change in apturl-kde.
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