UDS changes

Aurélien Gâteau agateau at kde.org
Thu Feb 28 10:53:28 UTC 2013

Le Tuesday 26 February 2013 23:00:45 Harald Sitter a écrit :
> Clearly Canonical is encouraging us to increase upstream transparency, so
> it only makes sense that we should all attend Akademy to discuss directly
> with our upstream on how to shape the future of free software. Supposedly
> we should have an online session discussing just how we make the most out
> of Akademy which (unfortunately) is only held once a year
> http://akademy2013.kde.org/

Maybe it would be a good idea to make Kubuntu presence at Akademy stronger. I 
would not go as far as suggesting we co-host a Kubuntu sprint at Akademy, but 
we could:

- Schedule a few BoFs
- Announce that Kubuntu developers will be attending Akademy, and are looking 
forward to discuss with KDE developers


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