Submitting libqapt for review...

Volkan Gezer volkangezer at
Mon Dec 23 01:16:16 UTC 2013

2013/12/22 Jonathan Riddell <jr at>:
> Maybe you're missing some important permission, the repository dropdown on
> the webform I see has lots listed including muon.


>>>>> 2013/12/21 Michael Stemle <themanchicken at>
>>>>>> Hey all, so I'm trying to figure out how to package up my libqapt
>>>>>> changes for the review board, and it turns out that I can't figure it out.
>>>>>> The command-line tools only work with git:// URL schemes, so that rules out
>>>>>> using my github. So I tried submitting this manually on the website, and it
>>>>>> turns out that they only have amarok and KDE repos available for submission
>>>>>> on the website.
>>>>>> Could someone give me a quick crash course? The KDE instructions for
>>>>>> this ( don't really seem to
>>>>>> be getting the job done.

The problem is that I was also unable to send patches for Lokalize and
Muon via ReviewBoard. The reviewer field is mandatory and I could not
pick one responsible person.

On the other hand, it recommends RBTools, have you tried that? I
haven't, but will try soon to send fixes for two bugs on Muon. They
have documentation here:


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