kubuntu patches and backtraces

Harald Sitter apachelogger at ubuntu.com
Thu Dec 12 13:31:01 UTC 2013


I just realized that currently when we have to introduce a kubuntu
specific patch these are not immediately obvious in backtraces, which
is bad.

What does everyone think about introducing a policy that
a) all patches of upstream code must isolate their logic into a
separate function
b) that function must be prefixed with kubuntu_

Benefits are:
1) if our stuff crashes upstream knows that our stuff crashes
2) if a crash appears deeper in the stack they know that somewhere we
made changes

1) requires more code
2) if upstream changes code we *modify* it may be less obvious that
our modification requires updates

For example in kde-workspace we have
kubuntu_avoid_zic_and_deep_copy_timezone_data.diff which currently
looks like this:

+        } else if (!QFile::symLinkTarget(tz).isEmpty()) {
+          if (!QFile::copy(QFile::symLinkTarget(tz), "/etc/localtime")) {
+            ret |= TimezoneError;
+          }

with the new policy this would be

+        } else if (!QFile::symLinkTarget(tz).isEmpty()) {
+          kubuntu_avoidZic(tz);
+          }


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