12.04 LTS Released

Valter Mura valtermura at gmail.com
Fri May 4 08:14:30 UTC 2012

Il 30/04/2012 16:22, Alessandro Menti ha scritto:

> I was in your same situation, as one of my systems correctly recognized
> that Precise was released, while another one not. After some quick
> research, I think I've found the issue.
> Due to bug #944876 ([1]), which has just been fixed, if you have asked
> KDE to prompt you to upgrade on regular distribution releases, it checks
> only for new LTS releases instead. As the "meta-release-lts" file on the
> Ubuntu site (used by the Update Manager to check for LTS upgrades, [2])
> does not mention Precise yet (it will do only when the first point
> release of Precise is out, see bug #989334 at [3]), the Update Manager
> will act as if there was no distribution upgrade available.
> Changing the /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades file manually did the
> trick for me - try doing it, or install the new update-manager package
> for Oneiric (it should be propagating across the mirrors right now, so
> it should show up in a few hours or a day at most), then check that the
> Distribution upgrade setting in the KDE System Settings application is
> correct and proceed.
> Ciao,
> Alessandro Menti
> [1]
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/944876
> [2] http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts
> [3] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/989334

Hi Alessandro and All in the list,

thank you All for your good info and links, now I resolved the issue, 
simply reading the bug opened in Launchpad and changing the "type" of 
the release in Muon (from LTS to Normal). Surely something has been 
corrected in the meanwhile...

What I would like to know is is now I can "change" again my 
software-properties settings for the repositories from "Normal" to "LTS".

Thanks again.

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