KDE Telepathy or Kopete

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Fri Mar 30 06:49:39 UTC 2012

On Friday, March 30, 2012 09:37:04 AM Jussi Schultink wrote:
> Have we considered (correct me if I am wrong) that with KTP we can add
> newer versions with bugfixes to 12.04.1 etc if it is already there?
> Kopete will cause lots of support work (because its unmaintained, we
> have to write fixes for security bugs, we have to provide updates
> etc), and we can have it as an installable alternative for those
> people with a use case for the bits KTP does not provide.
> Jussi

Since KTP is under rapid feature development, there aren't going to be bug fix 
updates to use for KTP.  What we have in Precise will rapidly diverge from 
what the KTP devs are working on.  So, while KTP is maintained, the versions 
we will have in Precise won't be.

OTOH, lots of distros use Kopete, so we won't be on our own.  Also KDE is 
still supporting Kopete (in limited terms) so we can, at least for some 
indeterminate time, expect upstream security fixes that can more or less be 
easily backported to Precise.  

It's kind of backwards, but because no new feature development work is being 
done in Kopete, we've got a better chance of being able to backport changes 
from future releases.

Scott K

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