libkolab packaging

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Thu Jul 12 14:22:35 UTC 2012

On Thursday, July 12, 2012 03:07:44 PM Jonathan Riddell wrote:
> Hi Kolab guys, good to meet you at Akademy
> Current issues we have with getting libkolab into Ubuntu are:
> No full licence text in libkolab tar, I see this is now in git so
> that's sorted I can repack that easily enough
> The contents of libkolabxml-0.6.0/schemas/ical are All rights
> reserved, can you point me towards a copying licence for them?

The ones that come from RFCs (it's mentioned in the file header where it came 
from) are BSD licensed (says so in the RFC).  Those are just a matter of 
documenting this and including a copy of the license.  The full copy is 
particularly important for a "BSD license" because there are so many to choose 

Scott K

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