KDE4 Network Management & TTLS/EAP-GTC auth

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at kitterman.com
Sat Dec 1 02:41:19 UTC 2012

"Pali Rohár" <pali.rohar at gmail.com> wrote:

>I tried connect to WPA2 Enterprise network with TTLS/EAP-GTC 
>authentification. With manuall wpa_supplication config file, 
>there was no problem. But configuration in KDE4 is problematic. 
>EAP-GTC option is missing in TTLS menubox (Add new wireless 
>connection --> Security). There is only PAP, CHAP and MSCHAP. 
>Problem is in networkmanagement DSC package. I'm sending easy 
>patch which add missing options (MD5 & GTC) to TTLS menubox. I 
>tested it and it creating correct NetworkManager config file (to 
>section [802-1x] adding "phase2-auth=gtc") Can you include this 
>patch to next version of networkmanagement? It is really annoying 
>if I need to disable NetowrkManager and write own wpa_supplicant 
>config file for connecting to TTLS/EAP-GTC networks...

Did you report this upstream as well?

Scott K

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