[kubuntu-devel] Making IBus usable in Kubuntu

AWASHIRO Ikuya ikuya at fruitsbasket.info
Wed Aug 8 04:25:09 UTC 2012

On Tue, 07 Aug 2012 23:50:31 -0400
Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com> wrote:

> 1.  Upgrade to KDE 4.8.5 (with plasma-widget-kimpanel-backend-ibus)
> 2.  Install ibus plasma-widget-kimpanel-backend-ibus plasma-widget-kimpanel
Also ibus-anthy/ibus-mozc/ibus-hangul/ibus-sunpynyin/ibus-chewing
and so on.

> 3.  Log out and log back in
> 4.  Add the Input method widget in the panel
> 5.  Select Ibus for Input Method in the language selector
It is done automatically by im-switch.

ikuya at fruitsbasket.info / ikuya at oooug.jp
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