[kubuntu-devel] Recompiling kde4libs-4.9.0 fails

šumski schumskih at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 14:27:30 UTC 2012

On Friday 03 of August 2012 16:02:02 Harald Sitter wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 3:04 PM, šumski <schumskih at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Friday 03 of August 2012 14:33:13 Matthias Philipp wrote:
> >> I only have 0.8.1-1. I thought 'apt-get build-dep' would take care of
> >> this...
> Note that this only works reliably when you have the appropriate
> deb-src entry in your sources-list. I am not sure add-apt-repository
> actually adds that.
> >> On 03.08.2012 13:43, šumski wrote:
> >> > Shared-desktop-ontologies >= 0.10 is required, do you have it?
> > 
> > It's not in debian/control, that's why it's not picked up (it has 0.6.50).
> > How is it build in the first place in kubuntu backports without 0.10 is
> > beyond me.
> It wasn't the package simply wasn't copied from the staging area it
> seems. Fixing.
> HS
Aha, while your at it, would you be so kind to add included patch. It fixes 
indexing of mp3's that have album artist entry set. This is rather common, and 
leaves ton of music un-indexed, and re-index every time.
Downside is - it needs a rebuild of kdelibs/nepomuk-core
It adds new symbol:
_ZN8Nepomuk210Vocabulary3NMM11albumArtistEv at Base 4:4.9.0
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