KUbuntu and Muon Discover

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Tue Apr 24 14:19:19 UTC 2012

As some of you will know already, I've been working on a new Muon
sub-project called Muon Discover. The idea of this application is to
provide a comfortable application where we can navigate through all
repositories browse the available applications and provide the
(hopefully) best tool to find the closest to what the user's looking

Here there's a video displaying what it does, in case you're just curious:

We have created a ppa providing this (and some other stuff):

I'm sending this e-mail because I'd like to know what the KUbuntu
community thinks about this, so if you happen to have comments about
this, don't hesitate to answer here or contact me.

Also I'd like to remind the kubuntu community that the
screenshots.debian.org service is responsible for feeding us the
screenshots that will be displayed to the future KDE applications
users, so some initiative for making sure KDE applications are
properly represented there would be helpful, because at the moment
it's not on the best state (proofs [1]). I have created some tools for
this if somebody is interested.



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