Postpone 11.10 by 1 day for KDE birthday?

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Sat Sep 17 16:47:22 UTC 2011

On Saturday, September 17, 2011 08:34:33 AM Markus Slopianka wrote:
> Howdy.
> 11.10 is targeted to be released on Oct 13
> <>. Now someone on the
> kde-promo mailing list brought to my attention that KDE's 15th birthday is
> on Oct 14. <>
> What do you think about the idea to have the Kubuntu 11.10 release 1 day
> after Ubuntu's release to celebrate KDE's birthday?

For completely non-technical reasons 10.10 was released on 10/10/10, which was 
a Sunday.  The was the Ubuntu release process works, it's on a weekly cycle 
that finishes on Thursdays.  For 10.10.10 we ended up essentially finishing the 
release on Thursday and then not releasing it until Sunday.  We'd have to d 
the same in this case.

Personally, I don't like the idea of having something ready to go and then 
just not releasing it.

Scott K

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