11.10 and kmail2

Ingo Ratsdorf ingo at envirology.co.nz
Wed Sep 14 23:59:35 UTC 2011

On Machine 1, which is running 11.10, I ended up with not only deleting all Akonadi resources, but also deleting all config files and the Akonadi 
database. Updated from 11.04.
Despite of all resources being migrated, they would not work.

On machine 2 running 11.04 but with KDE 4.7.0, I just had to delete and add all resources, like local folders and POP, IMAP etc.

So in both instances, migartion did not seem to work.

Nevertheless, all working well now.


On Wed, 14 Sep 2011 13:25:44 Clay Weber wrote:
> I am looking at gathering information centered around kmail2 and migration 
> from kmail1 > kmail2. There have been some issues and bugs, so I am inquiring 
> what everyone's experiences have been. Any insights dealing with migrations 
> and fresh starts would be useful

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