Fwd: Touchégg v1.0 final and packaging

Romain Perier bambi at ubuntu.com
Sat Sep 3 13:34:50 UTC 2011

Hi folks!
Can we request a FFe for that ? or is it too late ?


PS: José, could you subscribe yourself to the kubuntu-devel ML ?

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	Touchégg v1.0 final and packaging
Date : 	Fri, 2 Sep 2011 20:35:32 +0200
De : 	José Expósito <jose.exposito89 at gmail.com>
Pour : 	romain.perier at gmail.com


I'm the Touchégg developper<https://code.google.com/p/touchegg/>,
program that you have recently added to the Ubuntu repo

I'm finished all the important work with Touchégg (next releases only
for include a GUI and bug fixing, but I can say that the work is
finised :D) and I would like to know if is possible add this release
to Oneiric, or if now Oneiric is freeze.

I attach you the tarball of the stable version. Please, if you will
package it, tell me to add to the downloads page the DEBs

Best regards,
José Expósito

PS - This code should work fine in Oneiric, to run it in Natty is
neccesary update to the last version of uTouch with this PPA:

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