question on krunner in Oneric

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at
Sun Sep 4 04:57:19 UTC 2011

On Sat, Sep 3, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Jonathan Jesse <jjesse at> wrote:
> For a long time I've grown used to ALT+F2 to launch krunner and away I go w/
> things, whether opening up konsole, kate to edit Kubuntu documentation, or
> whatever program/application I wanted to do.  Today I did a fresh install of
> Kubuntu Beta on my Dell Mini 9 and seem to have lost krunner from starting
> by default.  In my Oneric VM it still seems to function correctly but
> haven't really done a bunch of testing.
> I can call from konsole krunner and then do the good ole ALT+F2 w/o a
> problem.
> Am i missing something?

Sounds like a symlink in .kde/Autostart isn't being setup properly.

Mackenzie Morgan

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