compiling one program, not all, from a source package

Donatas G. dgvirtual at
Tue Oct 18 18:26:51 UTC 2011

thanks, but i am running a stable system, so testin using project neon is
not an option...
> 2011.10.18 20:44, "Rohan Garg" <rohangarg at> rašė:
>> Hi Donatas
>> If I understand this correctly, the patch has already made it upstream,
so you can just install Project Neon to test out the patch. Projecet Neon
will give you a entire trunk build of KDE which is quite helpful in testing
new features and bug fixes. You can find more info here [1] [2]
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:32 AM, Donatas G. <dgvirtual at> wrote:
>>> I posted this on the user forum, but perhaps this is a better place to
>>> I need to recompileH kwin to test some changes made upstream, that
>>> would solve problems with my card. But kwin, or kde-window-manager
>>> package and its additions have one large source package:
>>> kde-workspace, that includes plasma-dekstop, systemsettings, ksysguard
>>> and a lot of other programs. I can compile that whole bunch of
>>> packages, but I do not really need all those, and it takes ages on my
>>> aging machine.
>>> How do I compile just the kde-window-manager related packages?
>>> I did this so far:
>>> apt-get source kde-window-manager  ## it is smart and downloads the
>>> correct source packages
>>> cd kde-workspace*
>>> ## I applied the patch and then:
>>> dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
>>> - that is still running, and if it finally ends in problems i will be
>>> pulling my hair out...
>>> So, is there any way to specify, which packages to build?
>>> Donatas
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