[kubuntu-devel] Re: UDS Considerations for Kubuntu

Clay Weber clay at claydoh.com
Fri Oct 14 01:05:42 UTC 2011

On Thursday, October 13, 2011 08:49:52 PM Dale Trombley wrote:
> As a user and tester I'm very happy with it, it has a few minor issues but
> I'm very happy the kubuntu sticks with upstream.  It's one of the things i
> like most about it.
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 7:30 PM, Ingo Ratsdorf 
<ingo at envirology.co.nz>wrote:
> > Alright guys and girls,
> > 
> > I have been following this discussion some time and here are my five
> > cents to it:
> > 
> > I am a user. And a tester. I love cutting edge and sometimes it breaks.
> > That's live.
> > If I am happy with how it's working, I keep it that way. If not, I try
> > new features.
> > 
> > And I tried a lot.
> > 
> > I am running Kubuntu 11.10 with all the PIM stuff and Akonadi and KMail2
> > on a 8 years old laptop.
> > And quite frankly: IT'S RUNNING FINE.
> > 
> > I am so happy that Kontact has integration for all this PIM stuff, that
> > groupDAV is finally working and all my stuff is synced between
> > computers, at work and on my phone.
> > COOL!
> > I have tested a lot, I have submitted bug reports and tracebacks and
> > images. Some of the requests are still open, some are not. Things are
> > moving.
> > 
> > I have switched away from Thunderbird two years ago because I simply had
> > no integration of my calendar, I could not even reliably archive my
> > emails. And it still (as of today)
> > has no support for remote addressbooks, unless you run a groovy LDAP
> > server. Not really for the low end user....
> > 
> > A happy user and supporter (and sparetime contributor) of opensource
> > software.
> > 
> > Please stop the fighting and be productive. If you don't like it - don't
> > use it. Nobody forces you to. You don't even have to pay for it.... ;-)
> > 
> > Cheers and merry xmas,
> > Ingo
> > 
> > 
 I am a user and a tester, too, and did experience migration issues in said 
testing. Nothing I could  not figure out, and with Scott's patching it to 
4.7.2, it was reduced to having to run the migrator manually.

Regular (non-testing) users may not have the same reaction to this as we do, 
but as of yet in Kubuntuforums there are not as many complaints arising as one 
might guess -yet. 

To be honest, I would have thought that the 4.7 version would have seen more 
improvements from 4.6 - as a user. For me, this is the first time anything KDE 
has left a bad taste in since KDE 3.0's kmail actually deleted my mail. back 
around 2002 or somewhere. But bad tastes do go away.


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