UDS Considerations for Kubuntu

Markus Slopianka markus.s at kdemail.net
Thu Oct 13 15:38:11 UTC 2011

On Donnerstag 13 Oktober 2011 17:26:12 Mackenzie Morgan wrote:

> Is Calligra ready yet?

No, it's beta.

> Last I remember hearing, KOffice wasn't usable,

Neither is OO/LO with the extremely buggy KDE integration that was proudly announced to be 
written by a Kubuntu guy.

> I don't remember being able to find
> anything other than Konqueror for file management or web browsing the
> few times I tried Kubuntu with KDE3 ("tried" because I didn't end up
> liking KDE3).  If dolphin was there, Konqueror was too and was more
> visible.

Um, no.
d3lphin (a fork of a beta release of pre-SC4 Dolphin) was made default at some point.

> Amarok isn't a KDE music player?
Not the default one.

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