[kubuntu-devel] Kubuntu Documentation

Valter Mura valtermura at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 09:06:22 UTC 2011

In data venerdì 07 ottobre 2011 08:49:50, Kolia -- ha scritto:

> > On the translations, many of them are incomplete and out of date so if
> > you speak a second language please do help on those
> Hi
> I've been translating quite a bit of kubuntu-docs these days (in French),
> and if I refer to this:
> https://translations.launchpad.net/kubuntu-docs/oneiric/+translations
> nothing seems finished, so is it the wrong place to translate, or check the
> translation progress?
> I'm a bit confused about all of this.

I already advised of this situation.

Check here: 


You can find the real situation.

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