NetworkManagement in Oneiric

Alex Fiestas afiestas at
Sat Oct 1 23:27:16 UTC 2011

Hi there !

I'm here at Forge 2011 (Solid Sprint) with the NetworkManagement guys, so I 
ask them if a 2 month old snapshot is "good enough", their answer was "Nope".

They have been in "bug fix mode" only since them, fixing crashes and 
implementing basic network features (some of them related to security), so 
when I ask them for a "commits we should to backport" they give me a looong 
list full of crash fixes.

So, they recommendation of course to upgrade to a more recent snapshot, there 
is quite a few people testing the HEAD of nm09 branch everyday so the basics 
should be as stable as they are in the kubuntu snapshot.

I know that the update policy is strict on this regard and we are working to 
fix the "We don't have releases" situation, but until then we should really 
think on upgrading.

So, what do you think? can we upload a newer snapshot somewhere to test it ? 
of course it doesn't have to be in the cd we can upgrade later once we know 
that the new snapshot is rock solid.


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