meeting scheduling

Stephen Kelly steveire at
Mon Mar 28 13:44:34 UTC 2011

Jonathan Riddell wrote:

> On 27 March 2011 23:17, Stephen Kelly <steveire at> wrote:
>>> Tue at 19:00UTC seems like the best slot.  Remember that is UTC time
>>> and Europe changes to summer time this weekend so your offset is
>>> likely to change.
>> I'm a bit of a time zone fool, but that means 9pm in Berlin, right? As it
>> happens, I might not be able to make that :(
> Could you update the doodle schedule then and we'll re-schedule the
> meeting.
> Jonathan

Done. I got a suprise two day meeting out of the blue for Tues/Wed, so I'm 
not very available...

All the best,


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