Kwin config for Gimp

Yuval Levy ubuntu08 at
Sat Mar 12 19:16:37 UTC 2011

On March 12, 2011 10:21:27 AM Scott Kitterman wrote:
> On Saturday, March 12, 2011 10:02:09 am Yuval Levy wrote:
> > expected behavior: the three windows listed above come to the forefront
> > 
> > observed behavior: only the main window comes to the forefront
> OK.  I see this.

I am happy I was able to show you this.

> If Gimp works as multiple independent processes, I'm not
> sure what the window manager is supposed to do about that?  I know of no
> other application that behaves this way.

Personally I have learned to live with this (and many other) papercuts in 
Kubuntu.  It still suits my needs better than anything else out there.  Thank 
you for making it available.

> I agree it's suboptimal, but I think unusable is an exaggeration.

If you were using Gimp often enough, I would not have had to show you the 
dissonance between actual and expected behavior.  I am myself an occasional 
user and can live with the current situation, but I can also imagine that for 
those who work with Gimp on a daily basis, unusable is not an exaggeration.  I 
would like to use Gimp more if it was "more usable for me".

For a Gimp user the current behavior means a workaround of two extra steps, 
one of which does not even have a keyboard shortcut.  Not my definition of 

It reminds me of a problem with a similar workaround in Kate:

The workaround is an equally annoying two extra steps: change encoding to 
UTF-16 and then back to UTF-8.  If you are a programmer and use Kate 
frequently, you may deem this as being unusable.  A graphic designer would 
"agree it's suboptimal, but think ubusable is an exaggeration."

> Next question: What's the kwin setting that's supposed to change this?

I just saw this thread and thought I can help you see what I see.  I also 
listed what I would like to see - the one liner "expected behavior" above.  I 
am not knowledgeable enough of the technology to say what, if anything, should 
be changed in which software package or "standard".  Please accept my apology 
for leaving you with a hot potato in the hand:  You'll have to figure out for 
yourself what you want to do with my one liner "expected behavior" feedback.

It is your software distribution, you rule.  I am thankful to you for 
distributing it to me and I will keep using it (mostly) silently until I find 
an alternative that better suits my needs.  I will keep trying to contribute 
where I can and where my contribution is welcome.


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