Kwin config for Gimp

Francisco T. leviatan1 at
Sat Mar 12 15:17:15 UTC 2011

El Sábado 12 Marzo 2011 16:02:09 Yuval Levy escribió:
> On March 12, 2011 09:33:13 AM Scott Kitterman wrote:
> > Would you please provide an explicit description of exactly what problem
> > you are having?
> * start Gimp from the K menu.  It will open three windows: the main window,
> the toolbox window and the layers window.
> * switch to another application that covers those windows with ALT+TAB
> * switch back to Gimp with ALT+TAB
> expected behavior: the three windows listed above come to the forefront
> observed behavior: only the main window comes to the forefront
> this is on Natty.  Also on Natty the three windows are not condensed into a
> single entry in the menu bar.  IIRC, Lucid condenses them into a single
> entry but exhibit the same behavior so the user is even more confused by
> the disappearing windows.  I don't have access to my Lucid workstation to
> test this now.
> Yuv
Francisco T.

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