Kwin config for Gimp

Arthur Schiwon blizzz at
Fri Mar 11 23:35:53 UTC 2011

On Friday 11 March 2011 22:44:38 Emanuel Sprung wrote:
> Btw: In gimp 2.8 will be a single-window-mode which allows you to handle
> gimp in a single window :-)
> This bypass the yet lack of different window parts.
> To test the upcoming version you can install the ppa from:
> and update your gimp to a development version which contains the
> single-window-mode.

This is not a solution, imho, only a workaround. The splitted-mode should work 
as well. I wouldn't necessarily want to have all menues and tool boxes 
cluttering the display, however they should be accessible when needed.

For me, it does not work with Tiling, too, dunno if this is related to my 
settings, though.


> Am 11.03.2011, 20:41 Uhr, schrieb schmirrwurst
> <schmirrwurst at>:
> > Out of the box, gimp is quite unusable on kubuntu, the toolbox is always
> > disappearing...
> > I've searched the web, and found some work around kwin configuration, to
> > allow
> > normal usage of gimp. I think that config should be default on
> > kubuntu... ?

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