New Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter section

Jono Bacon jono at
Tue Dec 13 06:47:24 UTC 2011

On 6 December 2011 06:37, Chris <cyber.druif at> wrote:
> Hai Charlie (and the rest),
> I think something went wrong with your reply so I forwarded to everyone
> again.
> @Scott K: I think it's a problem with using a lot of terms side-by-side and
> mixing things up even. As you can see, the page [1] Ubuntu uses is called
> Derivatives. However on that same page the officially recognized once are
> suddenly called "flavor". In my humble opinion it's a more friendly term to
> use, but we should get some (dare I say it?) "Unity" in our naming scheme.
> It might have been my mistake, because the information [2] given by Kate
> apparently also talked about Flavors. But it's important everyone knows what
> the "correct" term is/should be.
> I hope this clears up some of the mess (originally created to ask for help
> on getting links to the meeting minutes).

I can see how there is some confusion here. I see them as:

 * Favors - community development distributions based on Ubuntu, but
part of the Ubuntu project (e.g. Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu).
 * Derivatives - any other project based on Ubuntu but not part of the
Ubuntu project (e.g. Mint).

I think we should get some clarity on this and communicate this
outwards. Kate (CCed) - is this something can help with?


Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager /

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