[kubuntu-devel] RFC: Switch to Firefox and a 1.5 GB image

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Mon Dec 12 16:55:37 UTC 2011

On Mon, Dec 05, 2011 at 09:37:40PM +0100, Felix Geyer wrote:
> I'd like to propose switching to Firefox as our default browser.

My opinion has always been to go with KDE software where practicle.  I
see this as a main purpose of Kubuntu, promoting KDE as a community
and platform and bringing out the best from KDE as the best long term
solution to allow free software to take over the world.  Sometimes
this requires to accept some bugs and feature defects where there is a
non-KDE alternative.

One possibility, which I'm against but less so, would be to have a KDE
Pure CD image with Calligra and Rekonq and a less pure DVD/USB image.
But I wonder where it will stop, what if system-config-printer-kde has
bugs in it which the gnome equivalent does not.  We might end up just
like Fedora or openSUSE but with less purpose.

With Firefox not shipping KDE integration the larger image option may
be less popular now.  It might well come to a Kubuntu Council vote in
the end though.


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