BlueDevil packaking

Alex Fiestas afiestas at
Sun Apr 17 18:13:59 UTC 2011

First of all, sorry for let you down before beta2, I had a real bad/busy  
time and when I saw a BlueDevil package update a few days ago I thought it  
was upgraded to 1.1, but it wasn't.

This is the thing:
-The current package is from a git snapshot, it is full featured but it  
contains quite a few bugs (on the pairing wizard and in sharing files).
-LibBluedevil is 1.8.1 while it should be 1.9 (at least in case that  
bluedevil is updated to 1.1 final).

I strongly recommend to update to BlueDevil 1.1 and LibBludevil 1.9 we've  
work hard to get them stable and I can assure you that between the  
snapshot and the release, there is a lot of bugs fixed, some of them even  
backported to 1.0

So, are we in time to do it? do you need something more?

Please, don't hesitate to contact me on irc or email.

Thanks, and sorry again.

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