new qt packages

sarah.j.smith at sarah.j.smith at
Wed Apr 13 07:54:28 UTC 2011

Hi Scott,

Thanks for the quick reply.  

On 13/04/2011, at 5:21 PM, ext Scott Kitterman wrote:

> On Wednesday, April 13, 2011 02:50:07 AM sarah.j.smith at wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Who can help me out with information about getting new Qt packages in?
>> I'm at the early stages of packaging a new Qt module - I expect that we'll
>> be looking at hopeful inclusion in Ubuntu late this year.
>> The packages will require Ubuntu Natty or later since they depend on
>> libqt4-declarative and libqt4-opengl.
>> I got the name of this mailing list from those packages, which list it as
>> the maintainer.  Thus I guess this list is a hopefully good place to post
>> this query.
>> The project is called Qt3D and we're currently working on a TP1 release for
>> May 20th this year.
> This is indeed a good place to start that discussion.  Well soon release 
> Natty.  By the time your TP1 release is done we'll have started development of 
> the next release, Oneiric.  Here is the draft development schedule for that 
> cycle:
> If we are going to include it, it would need to be mature enough to ship to 
> end users by Feature Freeze, scheduled for July 21st, 2011.

At this point we're unlikely to make that date.  We've got a number of devices to focus on.  We have planned another release before the 1.0, which will target some device/s due out in early 2H 2011 - at present we're calling that release TP2.  So I'm thinking our 1.0 release will likely be towards the end of the year.

Perhaps there is another release after Oneiric that we can target?

> Also, be aware that we only us GL on i386, amd64, and powerpc.  On armel we 
> ship GLES, so any package that makes direct GL calls isn't usable on that 
> architecture.

Right.  Our build system and OpenGL implementations take care of that.  Qt3D cross compiles onto armel quite nicely.

I know one of our community has reported an issue with ppc so I may have to resolve that as well for 1.0 if we do get onto Ubuntu.

But this is looking promising and hopefully with plenty of time up our sleeves we can get it done.

I'll ping again on this list when we get our TP1 release out.

For that I'm hoping to have .deb's that can be downloaded manually from our ftp and installed from the command line onto an i386 Ubuntu Natty machine.


Sarah Smith
Senior Engineer Team Lead Qt3D
Nokia Qt Development Frameworks
Mobile: +61 448 283 476
sarah.j.smith at

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