pkg-kde-tools adjustment for armel

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Sun Oct 31 19:27:20 GMT 2010

After getting armel builds of phonon and qt4-x11 fixed during UDS last week I 
retried the failed kde4libs build and got a similar problem [1].  This morning 
I uploaded similar fix for kde4libs and while it's still building, it's well 
past where the previous build failed.

Assuming it builds, I'll try to build kdepimlibs.  If it fails similarly (as 
I'm guessing it will) then my plan is to assume this is a general KDE 
requirement and add the needed compiler flag to pkg-kde-tools to it's not 
necessary to fix this in all of our packages.  The change for kde4libs (which 
will be similar for any KDE package that uses CDBS is:

# Fix FTBFS on Kubuntu for armel.
ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH),armel)
    CXXFLAGS += -Wa,-mimplicit-it=thumb

Do we need anything different for packages that just use CDBS (sorry - UDS was 
very exhausting and I know I'm still mentally fuzzy)?

Scott K


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