Make Danny welcome!

James Cain james.cain.25 at
Tue Oct 26 13:21:50 BST 2010

 On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 12:32 AM, Valorie Zimmerman <
valorie.zimmerman at> wrote:

> We met Danny Tamez of Canonical tonight, and he's interested in
> helping out with Kubuntu, his favorite distro. :-)
> I hope you will join our developers list
> <kubuntu-devel at>, and #kubuntu-devel on Freenode, and
> get to know us, Danny.
> Let's make him welcome!
> Valorie
> PS:!/dannytamez <>

Welcome, Danny! Looking forward to find new people and ideas to take Kubuntu
to it's rightful place as the leading KDE Distro around (and out of the
overwhelming shadows of it's main counterpart).

> On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 2:52 AM, Markus Slopianka <markus.s at>wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm curious, because your mail is not that informative. Besides being
employed by
> Canonical. What does he do? Is he now Canonical's official 3rd KDE guy?
Does he work in a
> completely unrelated team? What his areas of expertise?

Looking forward to more information as well. Also, Valorie, how has Kubuntu
fared at UDS in your opinion? Looking forward to your feedback :)

- James
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