Strings not translated in Kubuntu 10.10 RC
Scott Kitterman
ubuntu at
Thu Oct 14 21:08:01 BST 2010
On Thursday, October 14, 2010 08:33:04 am David Planella wrote:
> > We've repeatedly asked for existing KDE translations to be locked so
> > that the only thing Ubuntu translators can do is provide missing
> > strings. It's not a priority apparently.
> It's not one of the current priorities, that's also correct.
That's fine. Until this is implemented, I think the balance of cost and benefit
is against using Launchpad for translations of packages distributed as part of
the core KDE software compilation. There are a few handfuls of strings that
are unique to our changes to these packages. I plan to propose we add a
single template to kde4libs to cover these strings that would be imported into
We've extensively test via PPA deliveries that using the upstream translations
for core KDE works well with our current infrastructure, so I don't see any
technical risk associated with this and I've still not seen any evidence that
allowing non-KDE translators to modify existing translations in Launchpad
improves the end user experience. There are, however, experiences every
release cycle with use of the Launchpad infrastrcture causing problems.
Scott K
P.S. I don't expect this to affect the priority of Launchpad development work,
but I also don't think it's resonable to continue to use a system that doesn't
support our project well and apparently has no plans to do so.
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