Pulseaudio on Maverick 10.10

Daniel Chen seven.steps at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 15:20:16 BST 2010

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 10:15 AM, Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman at gmail.com> wrote:
> I cannot listen to things in private w/ headphones due to bug 591036[1]. It's just a dealbreaker, and without PA things work as they have before.

This is actually a bug in how the VIA codec handles controls.  ALSA
natively doesn't expose that bug, because the codec never expects more
than one playback enum to change in conjunction with its virtual front
master.  (Of course you can reproduce the bug by using
amixer/alsamixer to set the controls just as pulse does.)  We've been
discussing this upstream; I suspect David H will have a solution
soonish (long before I will due to other commitments).


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