Pulseaudio on Maverick 10.10

Zorael zorael at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 12:53:42 BST 2010

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Valter Mura <valtermura at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> with the new release in subject (Maverick 10.10), the system changed the
> handling of the audio, at least for me, from alsa to pulseaudio.
> Now my microphone doesn't work (I tried it with Skype, that I use) and in the
> setting interface of the mixer there are no options to set channels and
> devices.
> Is there anybody who knows how to get solved this problem, keeping the
> pulseaudio server?
> One Kubuntu user, O. Sinclair, suggested me to install pavucontrol, but I
> suppose KMix should handle all the input/output devices.

As far as I'm aware, KMix doesn't yet offer the functionality of
changing ports of input sources. Heed that suggestion; you should be
able to do this in pavucontrol, as depicted in this screenshot:


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