KSambaShare patches

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 18 14:16:03 GMT 2010

On Tue, Nov 09, 2010 at 05:03:51PM -0400, Rodrigo Bel??m wrote:
> I've been working to get latest samba sharing tool integrated into
> kde. I made some progress in the latest weeks and I'm attaching
> patches for those who want to test. They are in git format :-)
> I need some help with the property ui to get it more user-friendly.
> There are some know issues:
> * Some cases are not being covered yet
> * The share interface, located in file properties, is not setting
> permission by users yet.

It works!  At last I can share files from Dolphin!

There's a tickbox "Share this folder on the local network" which i
don't think does anything, that should go.

The tickbox "Share with Samba (Microsoft(R) Windows(R))" doesn't need
to kowtow to their trademark, should be just 
"Share with Samba (Microsoft Windows)"

Should there not be a tickbox for write access?

There is a UI to add individual users but I think most of the time you
want to share with anyone who has an account on your machine so I'd
have radio buttons "Share with all users on this computer" and "Share only with
specified users".

If I untick "Share with Samba" it does stop sharing but it still shows
as being shared in the UI with the extra icon on the folder in dolphin
and the box ticked next time I open the dialogue.

When "Share with Samba" is unticked I think the "Samba Options" box
should be disabled.

I see David Faure has left some comments on reviewboard.  Hopefully
there shouldn't be too much work to get him happy and this can go into

Let me know if you need any help.


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